Thursday, November 19, 2009

Spinuzzi The Conclusion...or is it?

Spinuzzi's conclusion to Network, is a strategic summary of his book. He not only returns to the keyterms and concepts iterated in his book but also provides evidence from his case studies to support his call to action. His call to action is what I find most relevant. In the last lines of his book he states, "Only by taking a strategic stance will we be able to identify objectives, set goals, take action, and retain the dynamism and flexibility necessary to cope with net work--whether we're workers, managers, researchers, or theorists. Others can bite ankles; let's concentrate on strengthening hands, making right and left equally dextrous, and teaching them the cunning they need for performing net work" (207). I am compelled to "sign-up" and consider how this will inform my work and my methods.

However, in light of yesterdays colloquium and the call from Margaret to consider the classroom I couldn't help myself from considering how ANT/AT could inform classroom practices. When I think of adopting or adapting ANT/AT I think about methods as they relate to teaching more so than research (although I see a great deal of overlap). How could I provide space for students to---as Spinuzzi states in regards to study participants--"consitute their work, what's a tool, and what is an action?" I feel there is something valuable to bringing students into the negotiation but how that can happen is something I'll have to continue to consider.

1 comment:

  1. Check out chapter three of Paulo Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed. I think you might see an interesting overlap between Freire's problem-posing pedagogy and Spinuzzi's AT analysis of Telecorp--one that may help you move forward on your intuition.
